Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Decorate Del Monte

From this...

to this!!!

This is a super fun & easy way to personalize a gift! Plus the recipient in awe says,
"How'd you do that?"

This is how...
1. Make sure that you buy a flip top can.
2. Take ENTIRE Bottom off (You need a special kind of can opener that can take the lid off by going around the perimeter from the outer edge)
3. Decorate...choose scrapbook paper to fit the occasion ie. Birthday, Valentines, Chirstmas
4. Place Gift Inside
5. Place Paper between gift & lid (to protect lid from glue)
6. Super Glue Lid
7. Give your gift & get lots of praise for your creativity!!!;)

Oh, yeah...the recipent is soo excited they don't even notice the size of the gift.;)


  1. Cool blog Sharen! I saw your comment on my blog and I was like "who the heck is Sharen"? So I clicked and here I am! By the way I looove the can idea, definitely gonna try that!

  2. I tried to post earlier but it didn't work. This is what I wanted to say: " This is a super cute idea for tween gifts. Nail polish, jewelry and lip gloss will fit nicely in a can. I will definitely be trying this one soon!" Thanks
